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Please contact us to order any of the Ensemble range, to check pricing information or to arrange a demonstration.

We do not charge VAT. Prices below exclude postage & packing. All software is delivered by digital download with licence.


The Ensemble software is provided on a fair usage basis.

Ensemble Pro Software: Organisation - £450

Organisations can install Ensemble on multiple PC's but the licence only covers a single supported installation. Additional supported setups (for example a sensory room or pool) can be added at a cost of £250 per licence.

Ensemble Pro Software: Personal - £250

For a single user, this is still a full version of the software but the licence covers use of the software on a maximum of two PC's.


Our Ensemble custom hardware is now discontinued. Please contact us for recommendations of the best input devices to purchase for use with the Ensemble software.

USB-to-DMX Interface - £175